Each year, millions of Americans struggle with substance use disorders related to drugs or alcohol. North Carolina is no exception. The need for North Carolina rehab centers has never been greater. According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there were over 10,000 overdose deaths in the state between 1999 and 2018.1
This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for access to addiction treatment services in the state, especially intensive outpatient programs near Asheville, NC. Since mental health conditions often accompany substance use disorders, the need for dual diagnosis treatment for North Carolina residents is also a high priority. The opioid epidemic has not bypassed the Tar Heel State, and outpatient heroin addiction treatment in North Carolina is needed more often than ever.
If you or a loved one are North Carolina residents and struggling with a substance use disorder, please seek out professional addiction treatment near you.
The Need for North Carolina Rehab
When it comes to drug use, opioids are the most commonly abused substance in North Carolina. Other widely abused substances in North Carolina include:
- Alcohol
- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- Prescription drugs
Unfortunately, despite the high rates of substance abuse in the state, access to addiction treatment services can often be limited.2 This means that many North Carolina residents struggling with addiction may not have easy access to the help they need.
However, it’s essential for individuals in North Carolina who are struggling with substance use disorders to know that there is hope and help available through outpatient rehab services.
Benefits of Outpatient Care
Outpatient treatment allows individuals to receive professional care while still maintaining their daily responsibilities and routines. This treatment especially benefits those with work, family, or school obligations. Individuals can:
- Receive evidence-based treatment from trained professionals while still attending to work, family, or school obligations
- Benefit from the support of peers going through similar struggles
- Access specialized services for specific substances, addressing your unique needs
But perhaps most importantly, seeking outpatient rehab treatment can prevent further consequences and harm associated with substance use disorders. Ignoring these disorders can lead to serious health issues, strained relationships, financial problems, and even legal troubles. North Carolina has recognized the importance of addressing substance abuse and has implemented laws requiring rehab services for individuals convicted of drug-related offenses.
Find an Outpatient Rehab Center in North Carolina Near You
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse in North Carolina, it’s important to seek out outpatient rehab treatment. With the most commonly abused substances being opioids, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and prescription drugs in the state, accessing professional help is crucial for recovery.
Please don’t wait until it’s too late; reach out to a reputable outpatient rehab center near you to start your journey toward a healthier, substance-free life. Remember, ignoring substance use disorders only leads to worse consequences, and seeking help is necessary for recovery. So, take that first step and seek out the benefits of outpatient care in North Carolina today.
If you are a resident of North Carolina struggling with substance abuse, it is crucial to seek out treatment as soon as possible. The state has one of the highest rates of opioid abuse in the country, and access to addiction treatment services is crucial. Get help today!
1North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services – “NORTH CAROLINA’S OPIOID AND SUBSTANCE USE ACTION PLAN”
2NorthCarolinaHealthNews.org – “Gaps in NC addiction treatment disproportionately hit rural residents of color”